
Monday, February 25, 2008

Reaching 2,000 miles

My goal ultimately is to run a mile for every day that I have lived. I have not counted any of the miles and activities of growing up and the early adult years. I know that I have always been very active and undoubtedly this has helped with my overall health. The miles I am counting are those recorded since I started this running career in 2003.

The first couple of years were not really much for running, but they were used to get me interested and started building a base. Now I am into a solid running program and this current goal of "Running 1,000 miles in a year" is definitely helping me towards my overall goal.

I decided that at each 1,000 mile mark I would take a picture of myself. Then in the years to come I can see what I looked like at each 1,000 mile stage. I am doing this in my total miles and also any time I reach the thousand mile mark within a year.

Yesterday I reached the 2,000 mile mark. I am thankful for reaching this level and look forward to the upcoming miles when I can steadily climb towards the goal. I am expecting to be doing this for many years to come, unless God decides I run better on Heavenly streets of gold.

I ran 3.05 miles on Sunday, giving me 156.6 miles for the year.

The 1,000 mile pace bunny is at 150.7 miles.

The 500 mile pace bunny is at 75.35 miles.

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