
Monday, February 18, 2008

Long term goals

Goals are wonderful when used properly. They are used to guide us as we aim at them. They provide purpose and keep us motivated. Ideally, intermediate goals are tied into the big picture to use as a measuring stick along the way.

A couple of years ago I was setting up long terms goals in various areas of my life which included running. Knowing the benefits that running provides, I wanted to set some goals that would give me something to aim at in the long term. My fear was that if I simply tried to reset my goals at the end of each year, it might make it too easy to simply stop running. However, with a good long range goal to aim it I felt that I would be able to keep going for years to come.

With that in mind, I decided that to run a mile for every day that I have lived would be a great accomplishment. That doesn't sound too bad until you do the math and discover that you have lived over 20,000 days. Yowzers, that is a large number.

Obviously accomplishing this goal is not going to happen overnight. However, it is not totally out of the question. I simply need to have a solid plan and stick with it. Part of the problem comes from the fact that I need to run a mile just to take care of that day and THEN I start to make up the 20,000 other miles I want to run.

The old saying is, the way to swallow an elephant is a bite at a time. This principle certainly holds true with a goal of running 20,000 miles. I needed to start somewhere for a goal and "Running 1,000 Miles In A Year" certainly is heading in the right direction. To achieve this distance in a year will be taking care of almost 3 years within that one year. I am currently getting close to reaching the 2,000 mile mark for my running career that started in August of 2003.

Will I reach my goal? That is hard to say, but aiming at it certainly is going to give me some good health habits along the way.

Today I ran 4.52 miles giving me 137.23 miles for the year.

The 1,000 mile pace bunny is at 134.26 miles.

The 500 mile pace bunny is at 67.13 miles.

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