
Saturday, February 16, 2008

Life sometimes gets in the way

The commitment to run or to do anything else that is done in our lives as a choice, will always be challenged in regards to not making it a priority. Emergencies and situations will pop up that requires adjustment of our schedule and running is definitely an area that often suffers when this happens.

Yesterday I split a tooth that is definitely going to be a problem and something the dentist will need to look at. I spent WAY too much time during my day trying to take care of it. The sad part is I never actually DID get it taken care of. It will be a matter that needs more attention next week. Meanwhile I am trying to avoid biting on anything in that area and finding this not to be an easy objective.

I did manage a run the evening before so this made the fact I didn't run yesterday not quite as much of a problem. I got in a nice 4.03 miles which gives me 128.63 miles.

The 1,000 mile pace bunny is at 126.04 miles as of the end of Friday.

Meanwhile the 500 miles pace bunny is at 63.02 miles.

I am hoping to get in at least one good run over the weekend.

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