
Tuesday, January 8, 2008

When do you run during the day?

Yesterday was one of those days that I intended to get a good run in, but I had to deal with the resignation of my business partner. This meant a series of emails and phone calls that lasted far longer than what I would have liked, with the result being that I never did get my run for the day in. The good news is that I am still on track to have a good month of running so this is not a problem.

I enjoy running in the afternoon. It seems that my stomach is never quite as settled for running in the morning and when I smell gas fumes it makes for a queasy time. This has always been a problem when I go to run in races, most of which have early morning starts. It is not something that can't be done, just not something I enjoy doing.

Today I had to run in the morning or not run at all. This afternoon I am traveling to Tennessee and simply would not be able to get a run in. The weather this morning was wonderful for January in Virginia, with a temperature of 47 degrees and a lovely sun. I was able to enjoy 5 nice miles.

My total for the year is now 14.36 miles.

The 1,000 mile pace bunny is at 21.9 miles.

The 500 mile pace bunny is at 11.0 miles.

Don't get too far behind the bunny you are chasing.

1 comment:

SpeedyIma said...

Saw your post on the 1000 mi forum! I have a 2-year old and a full-time job, so I run whenever I can. On Sunday night, that was from 8:30-10:30, because I realized the long run I had planned for the following day had to be done before the snow started! But my favorite are the weekend mid-moring runs where I get to be out there with the rest of humanity in the daylight.