
Saturday, January 19, 2008

A cool Saturday run

It had been forecast that we would get some light snow today. So far nothing has showed up and this allowed me to get in an easy 3.14 miles.

I was planning to run a bit longer today and chose the cemetary near where I live to run in. I like this route because it has a half mile cycle that allows me to set the distance of how far I will run for the day as I go. If I want to cut the run short, I can do so at anytime. The same is true if I feel like adding some more miles. The adjustment is easy to do. For times when I am not sure of how far I will run or on days when I don't have a set goal, this is definitely the route to do.

Today the amount of running I could do was affected by a funeral that was being held in the cemetary. Because it is so small a cemetary, it is not possible to run in there without being seen wherever you are. I quickly put in enough miles to make my minimum goal for the day and left. The grave diggers were already there waiting and I felt it best to be totally out of the area before the procession arrived.

My total is now at 47.91 miles.

The 1,000 mile pace bunny is at 52.06 miles

The 500 mile pace bunny is at 26.03 miles.

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