
Monday, April 7, 2008

Still dodging rain

I was able to run 3.28 miles in the afternoon over in the cemetary. As I was running I realized that for all of the rain that has been in the area for the last several days, I still have been able to get my miles in. This is really good and I am thankful for it.

While I always run wearing my Garmin 305 Forerunner, I feel like I am settling into a pattern of running that pretty well stays consistent through each run. While my times may vary, the pattern of times each mile is amazingly consistent no matter how I approach my runs. This speaks of the internal limitations of the body that dictate how fast a person runs. Knowing these numbers helps when I see that I can push a little bit to increase either time or distance.

These miles give me 279.07 miles for the year.

The 1,000 mile pace bunny is at 268.52 miles

The 500 mile pace bunny is at 134.26 miles.

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