
Thursday, April 24, 2008

Sneaking in a run

On a beautiful Thursday in Virginia, I realized that I had several time commitments that was going to make a run during the normal times, next to impossible to pull off. So, I snuck it into my morning schedule and got in 3.3 miles under near perfect weather. The lawn mowers that were not operating yesterday during my run, were out in full force today. It led me to wonder just how much money is spent on gasoline for lawn mowers. At one time that was not a concern, but at today's prices it suddenly is something to think about.

The easy run gave me 335.83 miles for the year, over 1/3 of the 2008 goal.

The 1,000 mile pace bunny is at 315.1 miles.

The 500 mile pace bunny is at 157.55 miles.

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