
Sunday, June 1, 2008

Finishing off the mileage for May

I had a solid month of running for May. It ended up that I ran 118.6 miles during the month. The previous high that I had for May in any of the 5 previous years was only 67.2 miles. This is simply a month that I had never run that much. This becomes very satisfying to have accomplished this amount of miles for the month.

Thursday's run was 3.63 miles.......Friday's was 3.41 miles.....and then Saturday's run was 5.56. I had intended to run further on Saturday but the threat of thunder storms kept me close to the house and I simply didn't get in as much mileage at I had hoped for. Interestingly enough, as I was finishing off my run and was sweaty from the hot and humid conditions it gently started to rain. This was almost like a soft spray that would come off of a sprinkler system. Certainly it was a welcome mist at this stage of my run and helped to slightly freshen me up.

My mileage for the year is now at 475.91 miles.

The 1,000 mile pace bunny is at 416.48 miles. I only need to be averaging 2.45 miles a day to achieve this goal.

The 500 mile pace bunny is at 208.24 miles. I am less than 25 miles away from her.

Meanwhile, the 2,000 KM pace bunny is looming up ahead at 513.76 miles. I need to run an average of 3.57 miles a day to catch this rascal.

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