
Wednesday, June 18, 2008

A week of running


Where have I been? If you have been checking in each day, you probably think I have either quit running(NO!)or died (another NO!). My work has kept me busy and the various other projects and volunteer positions that I hold have also added to that. The result is that I HAVE been running, but not been posting the blog every night (obviously).

Let's catch up. On the 10th I ran 1.42 miles. On the 11th I ran 6.21 miles and another 5 miles even on the 13th. The 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th and 18th were runs of
6.5, 5.18, 5.08, 4.34, and 4.12 miles. This now gives me 550.58 miles for the year and there are still two weeks left in June.

I have already run more miles this month than any of the previous June's since I started running. This also is the second most miles that I have run in a year. I am on track to beat the record number of miles that I have run in a year. All of this is great and certainly something to be thankful for at this stage in life.

The weather has been hot in recent days and this has affected when and how I have run. To give a clue to the heat, the other night a deer popped out at the cemetary where I was running. Normally when they do that, they run away quickly. This poor deer looked at me cautiously and ran about 10 steps and then simply continued to walk. I am sure this was purely from the heat.

The 1000 mile pace bunny is at 465.80 miles

The 500 mile pace bunny is at 232.40 miles.

I am only 24 miles behind the pace to reach 2,000 KM for this year. This definitely looks like the goal I need to be aiming at. I will still keep the 1,000 mile goal, but that should be passed fairly quickly.

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